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Πάμε Ψάρεμα στη Λέσβο!

Επισκεφτείτε μοναδικές παραλίες και γνωρίστε την τεχνική του ψαρέματος από επαγγελματίες αλιείς
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What is

Fishing Tourism of Lesvos


Fishing tourism is the special form of tourism, which consists in the provision of tourist services related to fishing, sponge fishing, aquaculture and related practices and techniques, traditions and local customs, local products, traditional cuisine and local gastronomy.

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Αλιευτικός Τουρισμός Λέσβου
Αλιευτικός Τουρισμός Λέσβου
Αλιευτικός Τουρισμός Λέσβου
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Everyone wins

The benefits of fishing tourism

New source of income
Fishing tourism can contribute to improving the financial situation of the fisherman, offering him an additional source of income beyond fishing.
Fish population recovery
The sea receives less pressure as fishing activity decreases resulting in increased fish populations.
Advertisement of the island
The contact of the tourist with the local catch gives the fisherman the opportunity to advertise his fishing products on the one hand and on the other hand to let the visitor know what the sea has to offer at a local level.

Are you a professional fisherman? Learn how you can obtain a fishing tourism license

Frequently Asked questions

What the professional fisherman needs to know

01. What are the basic requirements?

The boat must be up to 15 metres in total length. Be equipped with a professional license to fish with gears other than Bottom Trawling (Machine Trawlers) and Boat Towed Gripen (Window Trawlers).
The vessel must meet the requirements of professional tourist vessels.

The ship must be provided with a certificate of airworthiness stating: 
• number of passengers they can pick up, 
• the extent of the ships, and 
• the relevant "Orders - Instructions" without requiring the issuance of special or other certificates.

There should be a special accommodation area for all passengers, so that they are safe during the fishing activity while at the same time not hindering it.

02. By whom can it be exercised?

Fishing tourism is carried out exclusively by a fishing or sponge fishing vessel registered in the National Fishing Register equipped respectively with a professional fishing license or a professional sponge fishing license with the possibility of boarding and living in it for people who are not part of the crew.(Ν.4070/2012)

03. What safety measures should be implemented?
  • Railings: Where passengers are allowed to stay or pass through the open spaces of the ship, there must be railings or handrails of at least 1 meter and of sufficient strength on the sides. When railings are used there should be at least 3 rows of manipulators. (Ν.399/1980) The required minimum height of the protective railings (rails) can be reduced at the points that hinder the fishing activity. (KYA 414/2354/2015)
  • Load line: The load line is marked. (Π.Δ. 917/1979 – Π.Δ. 399/1980)
  • Deck: Free decks shall be of sufficient strength covered with timber or suitable anti-skid and guarded laterally with railings providing adequate protection. (Ν. 917/1979)
  • Saddle seats: Each passenger must have a 50 by 30 cm saddle available. (YA 2122/01/2000)
  • Fire safety - passenger safety: It is necessary to have life-saving equipment, fire-fighting equipment, medical and sanitary equipment and other equipment as applicable in the General Port Regulations no. 23 (ΥΑ 2122/01/2000) (Ν. 4070/2012).
04. How many passengers can be carried on board?

Up to 12 passengers. (KYA 414/2354/2015) The exact number depends on the available saddles or seats and the height of the handrails, as defined by GGL no. 23 (YA 2122/01/2000)

Passengers under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult. (Ν. 4070/2012)

05. Reguired a toilet?

[Class IV] ships must have at least one toilet regardless of the number of passengers. In the event that the route of a ship of this category does not exceed one hour, it is not required to have sanitary facilities. (Ν. 917/1979)

06. Who owns the catch?

The catch belongs to the commercial fisherman and may be made available for sale in accordance with the commercial fishing license of the vessel. (N. 4070/2012)


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